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Modern security needs new foundations
Dan Ballmer, Senior Transformation Analyst
Routable networks are terminally insecure. This fact has long been a problem for enterprise security, but it need not be. Addressing weaknesses in IT infrastructure was a key theme among security leaders like Michael Perrino at Zscaler’s inaugural Global CISO Exchange. The Miami event attracted nearly 80 top CISOs interested in discussing the issues and opportunities facing their organizations.
Transformation veterans praised cloud-based architecture for solving many security problems, but warned against becoming complacent. Organizations must still consider ways to secure workloads, applications, and communications. To this end, Zscaler executives emphasized the importance of robust CNAPP solutions and resilient connectivity, among other topics.
Mike Murphy, Zscaler Vice President of Global Value Creation, offered sound advice to CXOs struggling to win support for their security initiatives. He urged attendees to focus attention on the security, networking, and operational savings that follow a transition to zero trust network architecture.
Read more about the economic rationale for secure digital transformation.
From the Office of the CISO:
A fool with a tool is still a fool: A cyber take
Tony Fergusson, CISO - EMEA, Zscaler
The answer is: You bet it's possible if the tools aren't used how they could and should be. And all too often, they aren't.
New tools introduce new possibilities. Conventional thinking about security in a particular context may no longer be applicable exactly because the tech is new. And even if conventional thinking is applicable, it may require some modification to get the best use out of the tools.
Editor's Picks
On February 16-17, Zscaler executive colleagues joined nearly 80 of the world’s top CISOs from leading organizations in Miami for two days of networking, keynotes, and technical breakouts. The Zscaler Global CISO Exchange was an opportunity to pull back from our day-to-day responsibilities and discuss critical issues facing CISOs today.
Read key takeaways from the event
In many ways, an enterprise zero trust transformation is more about policy change than technology, an idea that may seem foreign to industry insiders contemplating IT. It’s easy to focus on technology and speak about zero trust in terms of networks or architecture, but for non-technology specialists, it’s often easier to grasp thinking in terms of policy.
Read more about critical zero trust policies
Any new, complex initiative is bound to attract skepticism, and I’ve seen plenty aimed toward CISA’s Joint Cyber Defense Collaboration (JCDC). I, however, am optimistic about its mission and meaning. Despite the naysayers, it shows promise in three key areas, and there are existing models the 1.5-year-old partnership can draw on to advance its goals.   one that Norsk Hydro is poised to seize.
Former CIO for the State of Wisconsin David Cagigal explains his optimism
Of the four stages of breach, stage 1 (attack surface) and stage 3 (lateral movement) are the least understood by IT and security professionals. Traditional network security using firewalls has a hard time tackling these issues. To illustrate this point, consider two analogies that describe and contrast zero trust and firewall-based architectures.
How zero trust undermines hackers’ attack chain
Zero trust is often described as a strategy or a framework, not a product sold by specific vendors. This is true insofar as zero trust is a new way of security thinking across several areas like architecture and technology. However, some vendors have built their solutions with zero trust at their core.
How zero trust fits in the secure service edge (SSE)
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The CISO’s Gambit | Ep. 22
Is a CISO’s ascent to industry stardom less about passion for technology and more about overall C-suite business acumen? That holds true for award-winning CISO at BAT, Dawn-Marie Hutchinson. Discover how an MBA, effective presentation skills (Toastmasters anybody?), and keeping your company’s annual reports on your nightstand can be a turning point for your career.
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Cloudy with a Chance of Trust | Ep. 41
Mergers and acquisitions in media, entertainment, and gaming are unique because users are in the driver’s seat, and monetizing their engagement is the name of the game. Praveen Bhasin, managing partner at Tata Consultancy Services rejoins Zscaler’s Sami Ramachandran and host Pam Kubiatowski to discuss transactions in this dynamic sector, including how consolidation and 5G can reface the market landscape in coming years.
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The CIO Evolution | Ep. 17
How do IT leaders secure approval, ensure stakeholder buy-in, and convert skeptics into champions for zero trust transformation? Mike Murphy, Zscaler VP of global value creation, explains the importance of discussing these projects in business terms. Viewed through the lens of a customer case study and building on the theme of "building a secure and resilient enterprise," Murphy explores how zero trust delivers bottom-line results for organizations.
Listen now
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