On Demand Webinar

Zero Trust Connectivity for All Users Without Compromising Digital Experience

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85% of IT leaders say hybrid work is here to stay. However, overextended infrastructure has led to security gaps, leaving 73% of surveyed executives concerned about security risk. Further, this technical debt has greatly impacted digital experience and employee productivity, leading to a 35% increase in support tickets.

Networking teams are under pressure to enforce consistent, secure access while providing performance and reliability that promote employee productivity from all locations.

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn how you can:

  • Enforce secure app access by connecting remote and in-office users directly to any app while eliminating traffic backhaul, and reducing latency
  • Rapidly detect and fix issues impacting end-user experience and employee productivity with end-to-end visibility across networks, devices, and apps
  • Increase operational efficiency and reduce costs by replacing legacy VPNs, firewalls, and monitoring tools with a consolidated cloud-native solution