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Map your next moves with executive insights from Zenith Live 2024
Kyle Fiehler, Senior Transformation Analyst, Zscaler
It's understandable for today's IT and security leaders to feel like they're operating in uncharted territory. With mobile-first workplaces, cloud centrality, AI-enabled attacks, and cybercriminal groups more well-funded than some nation states, it feels like once-in-a-generation shifts are arriving every few years.

In the face of such unprecedented flux CXOs rely on each other as resources, sounding boards, and advisors. Enabling this fact is our top goal at the dedicated CXO Experience at Zenith Live, the company's flagship user conference.

Part classroom, part executive retreat, attendees will hear from leaders about technical topics like microsegmentation and zero trust SD-WAN, as well as business-critical challenges like compliance and holistic risk management. As always, you'll also have the chance to build your community of trusted peer advisors in relaxed environments conducive to information sharing.

No one is sure what the future will bring, but innovative approaches to today’s toughest challenges can help us be more resilient against whatever comes our way. So join fellow executives for our carefully curated CXO experience, put your questions to Zscaler leadership, share your own insights with peers and help chart the terra incognita that is tomorrow’s IT and security landscape.

From the Office of the CTO:
Ignoring the Change Healthcare attack invites a cycle of disaster
Tamer Baker, Public Sector Field CTO for Healthcare, Zscaler
As you may recall, in February, Change Healthcare announced that threat actors affiliated with BlackCat/ALPHV had breached their organization. The adversaries executed a ransomware attack affecting critical operations in its care authorization and billing portals. Change has not released details on how the threat actors compromised their organization. However, it is not unusual for attackers to breach medical organizations through phishing emails or VPN vulnerabilities. Third-party vendors and supply chain attacks may also offer adversaries easy opportunities to infiltrate healthcare facilities.

To make matters worse, security analysts believe Change Healthcare tried to resolve the problem by paying the attackers $22 million in ransom. This alleged payment, which should have resolved the issue, instead brought more chaos.

Examine why.
Editor's Picks & Events
2024 is a big year for elections. Dozens of parliamentary and presidential elections take place, including in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, Brazil, Indonesia, and Mexico, and the threat of cyberattacks and artificial intelligence-driven disinformation has never been higher. Misinformation and disinformation are poised to be top risks.
Combatting the expected surge of AI-enabled deepfakes
In early 2024, when the federal government got wind of certain Ivanti vulnerabilities, it immediately advised civilian executive branch agencies to disconnect these solutions to prevent potential compromise and credential theft. Thanks to recent federal directives, agencies were able to quickly shift to a zero trust solution and resume operations with minimal effort and downtime.
How zero trust enhances security and responsiveness for the US government
Networking and IT managers slow to bolster their wireless infrastructure have a compelling reason to add it to their to-do lists. An internal analysis of global data from Zscaler Digital Experience (ZDX) indicates that the number-one incident plaguing end-user digital experiences is poor office Wi-Fi.
How to ensure your Wi-Fi is up to the task
Despite repeated predictions of cyber-fueled chaos at the Olympic and Paralympic Games since at least 2004, to date, no Olympics has ever been significantly disrupted. There is reason to believe this year might be different. Over the last two decades, the reliance on IT to make the Games a success has grown exponentially.
How a Russia-less Games can avoid cyber disruption
Let's face it, CISOs face a constant dance with the shadows. They fight invisible enemies, anticipate the next attack, and strive to stay one step ahead of ever-evolving threats. That's where threat intelligence comes in – it's the intel that fuels our defenses, and the night-vision goggles to see the dark and precarious battlefield clearly (or at the least a little better).
Enlisting the power of proactive security
Podcast Center
Tune in and zone out to stories of digital business and cybersecurity excellence from across our CXO community.
The CIO Evolution | Ep. 34
State-level executive leaders draw on their transformation journeys and illuminate the path forward for a public sector with modernized cyber posture. Learn what is being done and what is still needed to achieve collaborative cybersecurity across all government levels, and an integrated stance against cyber threats, particularly those targeting critical infrastructure.
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The CISO’s Gambit | Ep. 35
GRSA/Compass Group is a global provider of food services and support operating in over 50 countries. How does CISO Adriano Lima, ensure his company remains secure while serving companies, schools, hospitals, oil platforms, and customers in remote locations around the world? Discover his secrets for success as he shares his experiences with Zscaler CISOs in Residence, Sean Cordero and Brad Moldenhauer.
Cloudy with a Chance of Trust | Ep. 50
IT departments often battle the perception of being the "department of no.” In this episode, Zscaler CIO Praniti Lakhwara talks about her guiding principle of enabling every desk to be more productive while simultaneously managing the needs of the business. She discusses the CIO/CISO relationship, the biggest challenges facing CIOs today, the benefits of being “customer zero,” and more in this fascinating glimpse into the life of an IT czar.
Listen now
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