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Dispatches from Zenith Live ‘24
Daniel Ballmer, Senior Transformation Analyst, Zscaler
At Zscaler, the customer is the nucleus of our business model. Everything we do keeps your needs, concerns, and positive experience central to our focus. This is why our annual premiere event, Zenith Live, is a big deal for us and customers. It gives us an opportunity to meet with customers and receive your feedback on our journey together. We have a strong roadmap in place to address the security challenges of tomorrow, but ultimately you, our customer, helps drive our decisions.

We were grateful to have so many great customers join us to share their experiences, including Raffaele Maresca, Global CISO at AkzoNobel.

I hope you had a chance to share your thoughts with our team at Zenith Live ‘24 in Las Vegas, or at The Hague. If you did not attend, we have some great takeaways from the event including:

Talking with peers across industries is a key component of our shared success. We are approaching our fall event season, and I hope you are able to join us for a CXO Exchange or similar experience. Until then, stay safe, continue enabling your organizations, and keep reaching out to us with any questions or concerns.
From the CXO Advisors’ Corner:
An IT veteran’s guiding principles for successfully implementing zero trust
Guido Sacchi, Senior EVP & CIO (former), Zscaler CXO Advisor
Over the course of my career as a consultant, executive, and advisor, I have spent a good deal of time reflecting on my personal imperatives for making IT initiatives successful.

What guiding principles, honed over multiple decades of experience, anchor my thoughts and actions as I approach a project? I can point to at least three key tenets for navigating periods of technological change, whether those be a migration to the cloud or an embrace of zero trust network architecture, both of which I oversaw as CIO of Global Payments, Inc.

So, if you are considering a transformative initiative of your own, here are some concepts that have helped me tackle tough challenges.

Get Guido’s tips
Editor's Picks & Events
Zscaler will be in Boca Raton, Florida to kick off 2025 with another in-person gathering for global women in IT and security executives. Save the dates for January 21-23, as this community connects once again at this vibrant intersection of cultural significance and natural beauty for the next Women in IT & Security CXO Summit.
Learn more and mark your calendars
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Accounting for the Achilles' heel of cyber defenses
Podcast Center
Tune in and zone out to stories of digital business and cybersecurity excellence from across our CXO community.
The CISO’s Gambit | Ep. 36
"How do you drive trust in a digital first or software first world?" This is the question that Francis Ofungwu, Global Field CISO at GitLab, helps customers answer every day. Unlike enterprise security, securing software often means having little visibility into processes and relying on systems beyond your direct control. Learn Francis' secrets for winning support and securing the software development life cycle (SDLC) in this insightful episode.
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The CIO Evolution | Ep. 37
Kavitha Mariappan, Zscaler EVP of Customer Experience and Darren Beattie, Head of Information Security at Tower Insurance, investigate the cybersecurity challenges facing the Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) region. No matter where you are in the world, the conversation holds important insights, including how geopolitics shape the threat landscape, the effects of globalization, AI advances, and more.
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Cloudy with a Chance of Trust | Ep. 52
Why doesn't malware hop from smartphone to smartphone as with computers? That’s the question that led former Airgap CTO Satish Mohan and his co-founders to a fundamental rethink of network segmentation. Mohan sat down with guest host and Zscaler CTO in Residence Sanjit Ganguli to discuss Airgap's origin story, challenges with traditional segmentation, and how a novel architecture helps to overcome them.
Listen now
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