On-Demand Webinar
Cyber Safety & Security for Canadian School Boards- Real World Solutions for Operating in the Cloud

In this new era of "Cloud-First" education is increasingly leveraging on-line resources and driving demand to support mobility from all users; the risks and challenges for securing these resources have grown exponentially. With this massive shift to the cloud, broadband modernization, and remote/mobile computing, your school’s traditional hub and spoke computing model no longer makes sense as your network is being extended outside of your walls and off of your campus.

  • How do you provide protection from Ransomware, Phishing attacks, protection from inappropriate content and appropriate visibility and controls necessary to meet CIPA compliance standards if you can’t build a firewall in the cloud?
  • How can you provide a consistent user experience for your students, teachers and administrators who work from within school, a remote location, home, etc.?

Attend this session and learn from real world examples how some tech savvy school boards, are augmenting their security and network programs by leveraging a cloud-based security solution that not only resolves these needs, but it improves the end user experience and enhances security, while simplifying management and reducing operational spend.

The 7 Key Learning Objectives of this webinar session 

  1. Keeping up with faster, more direct Internet connectivity, without deploying expensive gear at every school
  2. How to gain visibility into how Internet is being consumed by students, which devices have been infected, and the risk score of your Internet applications
  3. How to break the kill chain: Prevent infection, and stop command and control
  4. Elevating your security perimeter to the identity layer
  5. Reduce operational burden on IT teams
  6. Ability to perform SSL decryption without compromising performance
  7. Managing Internet bandwidth by policies to ensure important applications are not starved for bandwidth 

Leveraging technology to meet education’s growing security challenges

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